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snaiks [2017/03/17 09:24] – angelegt dokuwikiadminsnaiks [2024/09/19 12:14] (aktuell) dokuwikiadmin
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Snaiks ====== ====== Snaiks ======
-**Signals and Systems from KiCad to C++** +**Signals and Systems from KiCad to Cpp**
-{{ ::snaiks-logo.png?nolink&200|}}+
 March 2017 March 2017
-This page is a successor of the [[Snaiks Study]]+This page is a successor of the [[Snaiks-Study]]
 ---- ----
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
 +{{ ::snaiks-logo.png?nolink&200|}}
-Signals and Systems is here a collection of C++ classes on one hand, and a collection of corresponding KiCad components on the other hand.  
-It's purpose is to create complex systems by drawing them in KiCad's schematic editor and generate out of the netlist working C++ code, which also compiles for micro controllers without dynamic memory allocation+**Snaiks** provides a tool chain to get from a signal plan, drawn in **KiCad**s schematic editor to generated standard **Cpp** code, runnable on **any platform**
-It can be used to implement PLCs or digital signal processing like filtering. +This tool chain consists of following parts: 
 +  * **Snaiks KiCad Library**, providing all the symbols 
 +  * **Snaiks Compiler**, generating Cpp code out of KiCads netlist 
 +  * **Snaiks Cpp Library**, defining the functionality of the KiCad symbols
-The C++ classes are based heavily on templates, so most of the components can be used either for floating point or for integer calculations+It's purpose is to create complex systems by drawing them in KiCad's schematic editor and generate out of the netlist a working Cpp code, which also compiles for micro controllers without dynamic memory allocation.  
 +It can be used to implement PLCs or digital signal processing like filtering
 ===== Goals ===== ===== Goals =====
-  * Generate beautiful C++ code from a KiCad schematic +  * Generate beautiful Cpp code from a KiCad schematic 
-  * Compiles without dynamic memory allocation (embedded, savety)+  * Compiles without dynamic memory allocation (embedded, safety)
   * Read and write system states during runtime (e.g. with a simple terminal)   * Read and write system states during runtime (e.g. with a simple terminal)
   * Simple custom system creation (KiCad component editor + sub-class implementation)   * Simple custom system creation (KiCad component editor + sub-class implementation)
   * Hierarchical design (sub-systems)   * Hierarchical design (sub-systems)
   * full documentation within the schematic   * full documentation within the schematic
-===== Mini-Demo ===== 
-{{ ::2016-04-07_001.png?direct&900 |}} \\ 
-{{::2016-04-07_002.png?direct&400 |}} \\ 
-{{::2016-04-07_003.png?direct&400 |}} \\ 
-{{::2016-04-07_005.png?direct&500 |}} \\ 
-{{::2016-04-07_006.png?direct&700 |}} \\ 
-===== Source Code ===== +===== Status ===== 
-  * +==== Implemented ==== 
-  * +  * A set of basic blocks in KiCad and Cpp 
-  *  * Snaiks Compiler, in alpha state 
 +  * auto arrangement of block-execution to provide transparent behavior
-===== Blue Prints ===== 
-==== Sampled vs. Transparent Systems ==== 
-=== The Problem === 
-For some systems it would be handy, if they are transparent from input to output. \\ 
-This means, that they do not consume a whole clock cycle. An example could be a simple And-gate. Perhaps one do not want this gate to introduce an extra clock-cycle, until the combined signal is visible on the output. \\ 
-The drawback of this method is, that the update-order of all the systems is very important. If the user is aware of this problem, he can shorten latencies of complex systems.  
-In Snaiks example test1 we had a undesired behaveour, because the And-gate befor the middle output indroduced a delay of one clock. In transitions from "within range" to "too high" and to "too low" undesired states were produced, were either 2 outputs were true at the same time, or where no output was true for one clock cycle. \\ 
-This made the antiGlitchDelays necessary.  
-=== The Proposal === +==== Open Tasks ==== 
-Every System has a flag **transparent** which is by default false. \\ +  communication with the system in runtime 
-If it is true and sample() is called, update() is called from the sample() function: +  unit tests of all Snaiks Objects
-<code C> +
-class MySystem +
- ... +
- bool transparent; +
- bool sampled=false; +
- ... +
- void sample() +
- sInput = *input; +
- sampled = true; +
- if(transparent) +
- update(); +
- }+
- void update() +===== Mini-Demo ===== 
- +[[|This demo project on]] shows the usage of snaiks in a simple console application, a Qt app with GUI and a realtime-application running on the [[RevolutionPi]] 
- if(sampled)  // avoid double update + 
- { + 
- sampled false; +===== Installer ===== 
- output = ... +TODO: make an installer repo, which clones all the sub-repos, compiles and installs the snaiks compiler, installs kicad and a demo project.  
- } + 
- } +  # using git clone --recursive to check out all submodules 
- ... +  git clone --recursive 
-+===== Source Code ===== 
-</code>+  * 
 +  * 
 +  * 
 +===== Library Presentation ===== 
 +  * 
 +  * {{ ::snaiks-lib-presentation.pdf |Presentation as PDF}} (perhaps outdated) 
 +===== Blue Prints =====
-This also makes the flag sampled necessary. Becaus the normal clock master calls every sample() and then every update(). A second update-run shouldn't change anything, but consumes perhaps unnecessay processing time.  
 ==== Properties ==== ==== Properties ====
Zeile 115: Zeile 96:
   * list properties of an object   * list properties of an object
   * change property values permanently   * change property values permanently
-==== Hierarchical Systems ==== 
-It should be possible to combine a set of systems to a sub-system, where new inputs and outputs are defined.  
-KiCads hierarchical schematic structure could be used out of the box, but in C++ we do not see anything from this. Similar to the KiCad PCB layout, which also doesn't know anything about a hierarchical sheets. Altium Designer has the so called rooms, which group and synchronize footprint arrangement and traces between multiple instances of one hierarchical sheet.  
-For the systems we should make something similar to the properties, which live in a SnsPropertyContainer. We should make a SnsSystemContainer, which provides on one hand memory for the different objects of a sub-system and on the other hand new inputs and outputs.  
Zeile 132: Zeile 106:
 Cons: Cons:
   * every pin must have a type specified in KiCad (could be done with net-annotators, similar to PWR_FLAG).    * every pin must have a type specified in KiCad (could be done with net-annotators, similar to PWR_FLAG). 
-  * we cannot use a simple template-interface class any more, such as the SnsHybrid or SnsNumeric. +  * we cannot use a simple template-interface class any more
 === Proposal === === Proposal ===
-  * in cases, where this is really needed, a specific C++ class could be implemented+  * in cases, where this is really needed, a specific Cpp class could be implemented
   * mixture of numbers and bool shouldn't be any problem   * mixture of numbers and bool shouldn't be any problem
-{{tag>english software signals kicad snaiks}}+{{tag>english software signals kicad snaiks technical}}
snaiks.1489739044.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/03/17 09:24 von dokuwikiadmin