====== My Linux Software and Tools Collection ====== started 2015 ===== System ===== * **Kubuntu 14.10 64-bit** and then **Linux Mint 17...19** * Oracle [[oracle_java_installation|**Java**]] * **libqt5core5a** * ''sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev'' \\ is needed by QtCreator * **mesa-utils** for glxgears * ''sudo apt-get install **wine**'' * ''sudo apt-get install **autoconf**'' * add user to **dailout** group \\ ''sudo usermod -a -G dialout karl'' * **openssh-server** * VirtualBox \\ http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/virtualbox-guest-addons.html * [[https://github.com/JasonFerrara/jmtpfs|jmtpfs]] for connecting to Media Transfer Protocol Decices (e.g. Android) \\ use jmtpfs ~/mtp after connecting the device via USB to mount it into ~/mtp * [[http://en.code-bude.net/2013/01/30/how-to-manage-autostart-applications-on-linux-mint/|manage autostart]] of programms in linux mint: \\ use **gnome-session-properties** * **cinnamon-menu-editor** to edit the launcher menu in Linux Mint * ''sudo apt install earlyoom'' \\ Kills the largest process, before no RAM is available any more. It prevents a system freeze. ===== Drivers ===== * HP Laserjet 1018\\ try installation with system utility, if this is not working refer to http://danielsblog.typepad.com/blog/2010/06/install-hp-laserjet-1018-usb-in-ubuntu.html ===== Multi Media ===== ==== Images ==== * gwenview \\ Bildbetrachtung und einfache bearbeitungen. * kim (kde image tools) http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Kim?content=11505 * Kolour Paint * converseen: image resizer * Inkscape * shotwell image viewer * gnome-media \\ for the sound recording tool ==== Video ==== * VLC Media Player * youtube-dl: downloader for youtube video/audio for single video or from whole channel or play list * kdenlive Videoeditor * Webcam Settings (Camera, Video): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pj-assis/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install guvcview === Screen Casting === * most simple: **kazam** * ''sudo apt install key-mon'': shows pressed keys and mouse buttons * * still simple: **simplescreenrecorder** \\ http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/ * further recommendations: https://itsfoss.com/best-linux-screen-recorders/ ==== Audio ==== * Clementine * [[sound_zu_leise|pulseaudio-equalizer]] * audio-recorder sudo add-apt-repository ppa:osmoma/audio-recorder sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install audio-recorder * Instruments Tuner (Stimmgerät) with spectrum; [[http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/apps/categories/instrument_tuners|List with alternatives]]\\ lingot * pavucontrol \\ pulse audio volume control panel \\ needed to [[http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/999|record the played back sound]] which is very good explained [[https://opensource.com/article/17/1/linux-plays-sound|here]] * Extend playback volume in Linux Mint Cinnamon to 150% in Settings->Sound->Settings->Apmlification. * ncspot - a Spotify client within a terminal environment (ncurses) \\ [[https://github.com/hrkfdn/ncspot|Github - ncspot]] \\ install these packages (tested on Linux Mint 19): sudo apt install rustc cargo libasound2-dev libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev ===== Web ===== * **Thunderbird** (set up account, lightning plug in, enigmail plug in) * **Chrome** * mumble * murmur (mumble server) * NextCloud client * Seafile client * MySQL Workbench ===== Tools ===== **jdotxt** \\ a todo-list manager * sudo apt-get install **imagemagick** \\ image processing tools * sudo apt-get install **cutecom** \\ a serial terminal * sudo apt-get install minicom \\ a command-line based serial terminal with logging * **hterm** \\ another serial terminal sudo apt-get install **smartmontools**\\ for S.M.A.R.T. statistics of HDD/SSD * sudo apt-get install **screenruler** \\ a superb tool for measuring objects on the screen either in pixels or in centimeters! * **PDF-Shuffler** **GHex** \\ a simple hex editor * **sublime text** \\ a powerful text editor * sudo apt-get install **dstat** \\ tool which shows HDD or SSD usage (read/wirte speeds) * **grsync** \\ a powerful copy tool, for copying a whole bunch of files! * **Shutter** Screenshot tool with Image editing and highlighting tool \\ use shutter -s for a global shortcut, to get the selection mode. * sudo apt-get install **dar**-bin \\ disk archiver, like tar, but much better. \\ use this vor a complete home directory backup \\ dar -R /home/ -c /media/usb-disk/home-$(date "+%Y%m%d") \\ see also [[http://gradha.sdf-eu.org/textos/dar-differential-backup-mini-howto.en.html|backup with cron and dar]] or [[http://www.ubuntugeek.com/disk-archive-backup-and-restore-using-dar-and-kdardar-frontend.html|KDar]] * sudo apt-get install **ser2net** \\ a proxy to connect to serial (RS232) devices via a TCP/IP connection. * **CSVpad** - a simple editor for CSV files \\ http://www.trustfm.net/software/utilities/CSVpad.php * **GitKraken**: a powerful GUI for managing Git repositories. ===== Development ===== qt4-dev-tools + **Qt Creator** * **code sourcery** for ARM development \\ arm-2011.09-69-arm-none-eabi.bin * **Eclipse CDT** Kepler SR2 eclipse autotools * **KiCad** via AppImages: [[appimage|AppImage für Linux anhand von KiCad]] * **Eagle** \\ http://web.cadsoft.de/ftp/eagle/program/7.1/eagle-lin-7.1.0.run \\ according to [[http://joshuavasquez.com/docs/jVasquez/Tutorials/eagleLinuxInstallation.html|this page]] I installed this packages: \\ ''sudo apt-get install libxrender1:i386 libxrandr2:i386 libxcursor1:i386 libfreetype6:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libxi6:i386 libssl1.0.0:i386 libstdc++6:i386'' * **wxMaxima** * Sketchup 2013 running on wine * octave * sudo apt-get install **r-base** \\ data analysis environment (very fast for large data sets) * RStudio ([[https://www.rstudio.com/|debian package]]) * sudo apt-get install **librecad** \\ a powerful spin off from QCAD * **meld** a superior diff-tool with merge capability * **GitKraken** - a graphical GIT client * **PyCharm** - an IDE for python programming * freecad: a powerful 3D parametric design suite ===== Security ===== * sudo apt-get install **gnupg** * sudo apt-get install **gpa** * **KeePassXC** * sudo apt-get install **deja-dup**\\ backup tool using duplicity, remote/local, encrypted, compressed incremental backup * ledger wallet HW.1, USB-device-installation\\ wget -q -O - https://www.ledgerwallet.com/support/add_udev_rules.sh | sudo bash * timeshift as a system backup tool ====== Articles about various programs ====== * [[USB Boot Stick]] * [[Oracle Java Installation]] * [[Sketchup auf Kubuntu]] * [[Standard Grafik-Treiber wieder herstellen]] * [[Netzwerkverbindung mit Konsole einrichten]] * [[Upgrade von 12.04.4 LTS auf 14.04]] * [[nvidia PRIME]] * [[avr-gcc und eclipse]] * [[wine und RS232]] * [[Bilder skalieren]] * [[KDE Power Management System could not be initialized]] * [[Umlaute]] * [[Audio Streaming]] * [[intel-linux-graphics-installer]] * [[Sound zu leise]]? * [[Broken mouse focus]] * [[Merge JPG-files into a single PDF]] * [[http://xmodulo.com/create-desktop-shortcut-launcher-linux.html|Creating a Launcher Icon (Desktop or Menu)]] * [[gdar|Gnome Disk Archiver Tool]] ====== Command line tools ====== ===== Mount encrypted home directory ===== sudo ecryptfs-manager And exit that manager immediately ((without this step, the next command would fail)). Then run sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /run/media/karl/17269bcc-f398-4cf3-ae12-a5f925dc809e/home/.ecryptfs/karl/.Private This mounts it read only in ''/tmp/ecrypt...''. Add the flag ''--rw'' for read and write access. ===== System Load ===== Processes, CPU, Memory: htop Networktrafic: bmon Disk access: iotop ===== show disk usage with df and du ===== Example, disk free: df -h /dev/sda1 Example for disk usage of a directory (with human readable numbers and depth level 1) du -h -d1 . ===== glxgears ===== test window showing 3D rendered scene in openGl ===== Library Version ===== get version of an installed library: /sbin/ldconfig -v | grep **libname** ===== Process ID and kill ===== get process details for programms with shutter in their name ps ux | grep shutter kill a process with it's process-ID sudo kill -SIGKILL ID ===== Todo ===== sort and list all TODO tags in a directory within all sub-directories (cd /; grep -R -n TODO "$OLDPWD" | sed -n "s/^\(.*[0-9]\+\):.*\(TODO.*\)/\2#####(\1)/p" | sort |column -s"#####" -t) ===== Filepermissions ===== [[https://rainsoftletters.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/recursively-chmodi-only-directories-or-files/|change file permissions recursively]] ===== Streams ===== Helpful standard tools for manipulating and showing text/textfiles * sed * sort * cat * tac * less * grep * head * tail * nano ===== Mikrophon-Test ===== arecord -vvv -f dat /dev/null ===== TCP Ports Scannen ===== sudo nmap -n -PN -sT -p- Mehr Infos: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-nmap-to-scan-for-open-ports-on-your-vps ===== Tools fürs Verwalten von vielen Dateien ===== * FSlint: Analysiert einen Ordner auf Duplikate, gebrochene Symlinks, schlechte Dateinamen, und vieles mehr. * grsync: kopiert einen Ordner, hat viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. ===== Aktuelle Zeilen einer Logdatei ===== tail -f gibt die letzten 10 Zeilen aus, und neu hinzukommende. {{tag>linux collection english script shell}}