====== Pixel and Screen Tools ====== ===== Screenruler ===== sudo apt install screenruler {{ :2017-10-25_001.png?direct&600 |}} Helps to measure pixels on a display. If you set your physical resolution correctly, you can also measure in millimeters. ===== GPick ===== Get colours of your screen. sudo apt install gpick ==== Usage ==== Click on one of the 6 hexagons from the top left, and then move the cursor to a pixel, you want to get the colour from, and then hit the **space bar**. If the source colour is noisy, you can add **averaging filters** with different weight curves. This is called "oversample" and "falloff". On the right side in the list you can **rename** your colours {{ ::2017-10-25_004-gpick.png?direct&600 |}} {{tag>linux software english tools}}