====== PortAudio ====== System: Linux Mint 17.3 C++-IDE: QtCreator 3.6.0 with Qt 5.5.1 ===== Documentation ===== http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/portaudio_8h.html#af18dd60220251286c337631a855e38a0 ===== Download ===== http://www.portaudio.com/archives/pa_stable_v19_20140130.tgz ===== Installation ===== **WARNING**: Installation is not recommended, when using audacity on the system. \\ Just compile the lib, and point QtCreator directly to the according paths. First install ALSA libraries: sudo apt-get install libalsa-ocaml-dev Extract portaudio\\ run ./configure {{ ::2016-03-05_001.png?direct&500|}} make clean make sudo make install sudo ldconfig ---- ===== Qt Project ===== With installed libs:\\\ {{::2016-03-05_002.png?direct&400|}} Without installed libs:\\ {{:2016-03-06_001.png?direct&600|}} {{tag>linux software english c++ programming}}