Ultra Low Noise Linear Power Supply, using LT3042
Small power regulator PCB, with AC inputs and DC output.
- 78xx as a pre-regulator, to reduce power loss on the LT3042 and to increase the max. input voltage
- Output voltage: 0-15V
- Output current: max. 200mA
- Input voltage: max. 20VAC
Setting the Voltage
The LT3042 has a very nice way to set the output voltage. Instead of using an internal voltage reference and an external voltage devider, a constant current is driven through a user settable resistance, which is then the reference voltage!
U_out = 100uA * R1||R2
e.g. with R1||R2 = 50kΩ, U_out = 5V
KiCad project
You can directly order this PCB from oshpark.com
<html> <a href=„https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/uWxyBEL1“><img src=„https://oshpark.com/assets/badge-5b7ec47045b78aef6eb9d83b3bac6b1920de805e9a0c227658eac6e19a045b9c.png“ alt=„Order from OSH Park“></img></a> </html>
uln-power-supply.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/04/04 06:45 von karl