


Windows File-History Recovery Tool

What is it for?

Windows 8 has the built in feature called „File History“.
It's intended use, as the name let one assume, is to store a revision history of documents. So if a mistake happens during editing files, the user can restore a previous version.

Why is it needed?

What Windows File History is not ment to be, is a backup service, which can restore the files on a new PC, e.g. in the case of a damaged or stolen PC.

What does it do?

This tool implements a very simple way, to restore the files from an external hard drive onto any computer running windows. Since the folder structure of the file history is the same as of the origin 1), and all the files just get a date-time-suffix in their filenames, this tool just keeps the most recent version of the files, and deletes all the older revisions.


List of the backed up files before recovery

|   |   Terminschiene (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).xlsx
|   |   Vorlage-Lieferschein (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).xlsx
|   |   
|   +---01_AnBeAb_Kunde
|   |       Angebot 1517-01 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).docx
|   |       Angebot 1517-02 (2015_12_02 15_49_26 UTC).xlsx
|   |       Angebot 1517-02 (2015_12_02 16_49_38 UTC).xlsx
|   |       Angebot 1517-02 (2015_12_04 08_08_43 UTC).pdf
|   |       Angebot 1517-02 (2015_12_04 08_08_43 UTC).xlsx
|   |       Richtpreisangebot 1517-01 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).pdf
|   |       Richtpreisangebot 1517-01 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).xlsx
|   |       
|   \---02_Kalkulation
|           Kalkvorlage (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).xlsx
|       0921-00741_IHB Jan10 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).pdf
|       20150625-Erstgespraech (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).pdf
|       Vorlage_Notiz (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).docx
|   +---01-CAD_nativ
|   |       1517-00 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00 (2015_10_29 15_08_33 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00 (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00 (2015_12_02 15_49_26 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00 (2015_12_04 15_00_24 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-01 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-01 (2015_10_29 15_08_33 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-Ankerplatte (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-Hauptlager (2015_10_29 15_08_33 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-Hauptlager (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-Nebenlager (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).prt
|   |       
|   +---03-Zukaufteile
|   |       1517-Fuss (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-Fuss (2015_10_29 15_08_33 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-Fuss (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).prt
|   |       BLM-AS1050-Detektor (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       BLM-AS1050-Emitter (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       
|   +---05-Zeichnungen
|   |       1517-00-Layout-dwg (2015_10_28 11_04_20 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00-Layout-dwg (2015_10_28 12_04_29 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00-Layout-dwg (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).prt
|   |       1517-00-Layoutskizze (2015_10_28 12_04_29 UTC).pdf
|   |       1517-00-Layoutskizze-Rev01 (2015_10_29 16_08_44 UTC).pdf
|   |       tempdxf (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       Zeichnungsvorlage_A2 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       Zeichnungsvorlage_A3 (2015_08_28 09_01_00 UTC).prt
|   |       

List of the backed up files after recovery

|   |   Terminschiene.xlsx
|   |   Vorlage-Lieferschein.xlsx
|   |   
|   +---01_AnBeAb_Kunde
|   |       Angebot 1517-01.docx
|   |       Angebot 1517-02.pdf
|   |       Angebot 1517-02.xlsx
|   |       Richtpreisangebot 1517-01.pdf
|   |       Richtpreisangebot 1517-01.xlsx
|   |       
|   \---02_Kalkulation
|           Kalkvorlage.xlsx
|       0921-00741_IHB Jan10.pdf
|       20150625-Erstgespraech.pdf
|       Vorlage_Notiz.docx
|   +---01-CAD_nativ
|   |       1517-00.prt
|   |       1517-01.prt
|   |       1517-Ankerplatte.prt
|   |       1517-Hauptlager.prt
|   |       1517-Nebenlager.prt
|   |       
|   +---03-Zukaufteile
|   |       1517-Fuss.prt
|   |       BLM-AS1050-Detektor.prt
|   |       BLM-AS1050-Emitter.prt
|   |       
|   +---05-Zeichnungen
|   |       1517-00-Layout-dwg.prt
|   |       1517-00-Layoutskizze-Rev01.pdf
|   |       1517-00-Layoutskizze.pdf
|   |       tempdxf.prt
|   |       Zeichnungsvorlage_A2.prt
|   |       Zeichnungsvorlage_A3.prt
|   |       


Since File-History is not ment to be a backup, some mistakes happen, when folders/files had been moved or renamed. If this is the case for your File-History drive, then you will get duplicated folders/files, where only one of them has the most recent verion restored!

Apply the software only to a copy of your File-History-Drive! The tool will delete all old revisions. Futher more there could be a missbehaveour and important files could be deleted!


It was published on Softonic, but they deleted it for an unknown reason. Here is the actual zip-file, that was published on Softonic:


The software can be used as it is, without any warranty. I cannot be held responsible for any demage resulting on using this program.
The download contains the source code, so you can verify by your self, that it is not a virus, malware or something else with any bad intention.

see limitations below
win_file_recorvery.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019-07-26 20:26 von karl